Keywords: Circus, Genealogy, Geneology, Family Tree, BigTop, Big Top, Clown, show, Greatest Show on Earth, Circus-Folk, Circus, Genealogy, Geneology, Family Tree, BigTop, Big Top, Clown, show, Greatest Show on Earth, Circus-Folk

Everyone loves the Circus!

Many of us have vague histories of ancestors and relatives who traveled with the Circus and shows of the past.  This web is an effort to bring together more of us looking for specific information about these shows and more importantly clues about our own family history.

HEY!  Those fine folks at Family Tree Magazine wrote about us on page 68 of the August issue...  THANKS Y'all!!!  Tell them "thanks" by picking up a copy or subscribing...

The good folks at Rootsweb have been kind enough to host a list server for us.  To subscribe just send a message to and put subscribe in the body and subject.  If you need help with the list just visit 

This mailing list is the place to read about what other researchers are looking for and finding as well as a way to connect with those who may have resources that you have been looking for.  There is also a YahooGroups list of the same name but the is the better place to post questions and comments.


A search at using the search string circus returned over 310,000 web pages.  Far too many to add to this page.  What follows are links which should be of use to Circus-Folk-L readers.

Circus and Show Sites

Hertzberg Circus Museum
A Division of the San Antonio Public Library
(210) 207-7819
Circus Sarasota
The Carson and Barnes Circus
The Hanneford Family Circus
The Big Apple Circus
The Great Circus Parade
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus
The Kelly Miller Circus
The Garden Brothers Circus

Organizations, Personal, and History Pages 

reciprocal links appreciated
Betty Faye Lawton sent us this great list of hot links...
Outdoor Amusement Business Association
Circus News
The International Circus Hall of Fame in Peru Indiana
Clowns of America International 
Music Under the Bigtop
Circus World Museum
Circuses Past and Present 
CircusLand.Com (UK)
Circus Record and Documentation Center

Genealogy Sites

Genealogic Sources for Circus from Linda Edwards.
Cyndi's List
The Circus, Theatre, and Music Hall Families Page (UK)

click me...

now merged with the message board system for even more matches...

The Photo Album

located at and containing the images and reports that fellow Circus-Folk family historians have contributed.  You can post your photos too.
Historic Circus Wagons page of The Great Circus Parade

Yahoo Groups Mailing List

also be sure to subscribe to the Rootsweb Circus-Folk list

Subscribe to Circus-Folk
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Have you ever thought of searching eBay for Circus-Folk genealogy sources? 

Don't forget to look for old copies of The Billboard magazine too.



Baby Elephants


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(c) 2001 Circus-Folk (Carson Turner)
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